A ceiling diffuser is a supply or return air diffuser designed forvarious ceiling mounting.
A) Square flush type
In the flush type all rings or louvers projected to a planesurface with removable core. Drywall (ceiling) used for hard ceiling applications and T-bar systems.
- Material-Aluminum sheet
- Finish-Powder coated
- Air Flow-1,2,3, or 4 way supply
- Nominal Size-150, 225, 300, 375, 450 mm

B) Square plaque type
The plaque diffuser is compatible with a wide variety of ceiling systems, and is designed to deliver architectural appeal without sacrificing performance. Drywall (ceiling) used for hard ceiling applications and T-bar systems.
- Material-Aluminum sheet
- Finish-Powder coated
- Air Flow-4 way supply
- Nominal Size-150, 225, 300, 375, 450 mm

C) Square perforated type
These meet architectural demands for air outlets that blend into ceilings. Each has a perforated metal face with an open area of 10% to 50% that determines its capacity. Drywall (ceiling) used for hard ceiling applications and T-bar systems
- Material-Aluminum sheet
- Finish-Powder coated
- Air Flow-Laminar
- Nominal Size-225, 300, 375, 450, 600 mm

D) Circular flush type
Ideally suited to exposed duct applications, Circular Diffusers provide a strong horizontal pattern, even without a ceiling present Drywall or duct (ceiling) used for hard ceiling applications and flexible duct open ceiling.
- Material-Aluminum sheet spinning
- Finish-Powder coated
- Air Flow-360° air flow diffusion.
Nominal Size – Ø150 Ø200 Ø250 Ø300 Ø375 Ø400 Ø450

E) Circular plaque type
Ideally suited to exposed duct applications, Circular Plaque Diffusers provide a strong horizontal pattern, even without a ceiling present. Drywall or duct (ceiling) used for hard ceiling applications and flexible duct open ceiling
- Material-Aluminum sheet spinning
- Finish-Powder coated
- Air Flow-360° air flow diffusion.
Nominal Size – Ø150 Ø200 Ø250 Ø300 Ø375 Ø400 Ø450

F) Circular perforated type
These meet architectural demands for air outlets that blend into ceilings. Each has a perforated metal face with an open area of 10% to 50% that determines its capacity. Drywall or duct (ceiling)used for hard ceiling applications and flexible duct open ceiling.
- Material-Aluminum sheet spinning
- Finish-Powder coated
- Air Flow-360° laminar air flow diffusion.
Nominal Size – Ø150 Ø200 Ø250 Ø300 Ø375 Ø400 Ø450